Report on KTPI Online Session 2022-23
Post date: Jan 03, 2023 7:20:57 AM
A new series for the benefit of students opting KTPI in many of our Vidyalayas and other Vidyalayas was begun in August 2022 covering all of the chapters of Class 12 to facilitate students to comprehend the topics better. Six such talks were thus organized inviting experts in the field thus opening up a world of knowledge to the students who were also provided the opportunity to interact with the resource people and quench their thirst in the particular fields. Dr. Sashikala Anantaraman spoke on Ancient Architecture, Sri Arjun Bharadwaj on Natya Sashtra, Swami Ramakrishnananda on Indian Ethics, Dr. Arun Surendran & Dr. Mahesh Gurukkal on Indian Martial arts, Dr Pramod Dinakar & Sri Srinath Mohan Das on Indian Education Systems & Practices: A Survey and Smt. Parimala on Agriculture. Over 300 students for multiple schools participated and shared their appreciation on this initiative. All the teachers of KTPI from the participant schools also attended these talks and conveyed their appreciations. Smt Arunima from CBSE also attended one of the sessions and commended the great work done by the Education cell.